Thursday, March 26, 2020

Radio Stations For Learning English

Radio Stations For Learning EnglishThere are so many wonderful radio stations for learning English around the world. I have compiled a list of some of my favorites.In my opinion, listening to music is a great benefit to your journey to learn. In this country, many people feel that it is very difficult to learn a language, but you do not have to be alone in your quest to learn. You can turn to the internet and find your favorite radio station to listen to in your quest.I recommend that you find a station that you love to listen to. I have done a search on Google, and I am amazed at the number of stations that I found. You will not be disappointed by the selections that you find in these wonderful radio stations for learning English.Once you find your radio station, begin to investigate the content of the stations. This is also one of the best ways to get the most out of your experience. Learn about the history and culture of the language that you will be studying.Listen to the announc ements, and see how many times they say different words. Remember that there is no shortage of language speakers, so you should be able to find someone that speaks the language. Use a simple sentence builder, and see what you learn.The radio station for learning English is a great way to learn with little or no effort. There are so many, and you may have to scour your local area to find one that fits your needs.It is a great way to supplement your language skills with a reliable source of information. Remember that you should always carry a notebook to write down the words that you hear, and any suggestions that you might receive.

Friday, March 6, 2020

12 Personal Improvement Tips You Should Follow! - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 12 Personal Improvement Tips You Should Follow! - Introvert Whisperer 12 Personal Improvement Tips You Should Follow! We often sit back and think about resolutions in our life as we have to review and identify areas where we need to improve. Learning leads to a better quality of life, boosts confidence and personal development. It also positively influences our life. We just have to focus and plan for improving ourselves these are the main key points. Whenever a person should be worried from surroundings or life, he/she will think about change for the upcoming period from which he/she can make his/her life better. Word ‘CHANGE’ means an act or process through which something becomes different. Here, for the resolution, we have to think some new or something different from out of the box. To get a successful life we have to do struggle. This topic can encompass anything that involves transformation as a person. It means for becoming the best you have to reach towards your potential. For becoming a better person, you have to improve your circumstances, and this can be achieved by looking internally and change the way externally. For improvement, we have to make a chain of steps which we have to follow to make our lives better and for the self-satisfaction. Before taking any action, we have to make or set hierarchy to achieve goals first. Personal development requires planning at first about setting the goal. Brainstorming is the best way to do planning that what is all going in your mind is moving towards a specific way. You just have to identify the direction and clarify your vision. Vision and goals can also rectify as per the convenience of the life. If there’s no success from the steps a person follow than he needs to review all actions and adjust the plan according to the new process as reviewing is also the key to enhancement or improvement. Here we are defining 12 ways by which can improve ourselves and enhance skill level to give our best performance. 1. Brain Storming Brainstorming is a creativity technique from which a person can shake his/her mind and take out all the plans, ideas, goals and conclusions in mind. By noting down everything, he can review all those thoughts and points about which he thinks that only can identify what is right and what is wrong for him than he can decide what he wants to do or not. The process of generating ideas through the mind is called brainstorming and only from this you can make a clear vision. Usually, while thinking about goals person can also think about its solution which is the one. For this, a person has to understand this that there’s also a process of solutions. Never decide things all of sudden or in one go. A person can also give all points to the other person and let him put in his shoe that he can even get different ideas this technique is also helpful for brainstorming. 2. Organize Organizing yourself is art, but we can’t play with it as it’s a sensitive part of your personality. For organizing, we have to make to do list first to identify what we have to do or not and then we have to consolidate according to priority. Prioritization is even a process in which we have to manage task list and have to do value addition according to consolidation. No step can eliminate from this procedure as it is an ongoing process. 3. Multitasking Multitasking is essential to do work in time, but sometimes it also affects the quality of work which can’t compromises in real life. For multi-tasking, we have to prioritize to-do list and mark the things and have to do things accordingly. Scheduling can also help us to avoid multi-tasking and do time management to meet all deadlines. 4. Distractions Multitasking can also create distractions which lead to decrease the quality of the productivity. We have to avoid from all of those things which produce disturbances and disturb the task. We have to focus on the work we have to do in a day by avoiding multi-tasking as it distracts us from the goal or make vision unclear. Always strive to complete one task before diving into another. 5. Interruptions Interruptions come into life every time, and we have to manage it by keeping a clear vision. It’s essential to know how to say No to someone if something irrelevant comes to you and if you want to avoid it. Once you have to manage your time and schedule everything and you want reminder then use technology for it or if other things come in between then try to maintain them according to priority. Try to jot down all the ideas to save time and keep the quality. 6. Finisher It’s easy to take a starter, but it’s difficult to fall on finishing. All of us can talk about Change, but some of us can bring Change this is a bitter reality, and we have to accept it. Always think or plan everything from start to end and keep potential to do it so that you won’t get let down. Try to make a list of those goals which you achieve already to get yourself motivates towards your next goal which you have to end up with improvement. 7. Set milestones Sometimes we have long-term plans which are difficult to achieve and most of the times we get demotivate when we can see its outcomes. We have to break those tasks into mini tasks and set small milestones so that we can quickly achieve them. Also, we have to celebrate the interim achievement of these mini-tasks as it will be productive and keep the energy level high. We have to set metrics of success in long-term tasks to get consecutive come outs. 8. Put yourself in others shoes We have to think from out of the box which means we have to plan according to the different factors too. Whenever looking at goals, keep believing about the whole picture from all perspectives. Also, take suggestions from your mates on your goal and on the steps you have made to achieve them. Sometimes ideas will be more efficient and make your task more motivating to you. 9. Get a mentor A mentor is a person who enhances your skills by sharing a mutual understanding. A mentor can enlighten the new perspective and supply you with a stream of self-development ideas. You can also gain experience from your mentor’s life and review your goals and steps. Your self-development also helps you to grow in your professional as well as personal life. 10. Research Research, analysis, and development are the best keys to improve you and reach goals. You can fulfill all your responsibilities in time if you are putting efforts in research and take all views from surrounding. Always, do your homework before starting any project so that you can have a better idea about its end. You can also analyze your past by researching on the present and make developments in future. 11. Clarity Make things clear by taking reviews from people and asking questions from you. Transparency boosts our confidence with the time as our perceptions get according to the aim. Re-evaluate your all steps by a specific and random period to firm your mission and to reach each goal. Keep your competitors always in mind. It will give you challenges all the time for achievement. Clarify your all strategies in mean time to avoid mismanagement. 12. Blind Spots Analyze yourself every day and identify blind spots so that you get aware of all adverse vibes beforehand. You can also take feedback from people whom you interact with it will help you to get better even this change become your strength. Try to find out your peers and make perceptions to discover internally weaknesses than make adjustments in your reputation. Passion keeps a vital role in success. Always be passionate about yourself to enhance all the capabilities and ensure that all of the skills are reflected and respected in your personal and professional life. Also, get lessons from others experience it will also help out to groom you. Keep motivating and get motivation this will help you throughout your life. Establish your expertise by sharing information. Don’t judge people and avoid thinking or brainstorming when you already have vibes. Author Bio: Emilie Burstein is a professional content strategist these days working at  Mint Cleaning Group. She loves to write about passions,  improvement, and other related niches! Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

GMAT vs. GRE Does it Matter When Applying to MBA Programs

GMAT vs. GRE Does it Matter When Applying to MBA Programs GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog Should I take the GRE or the GMAT? It’s an increasingly common question given the growing acceptance of the GRE. 10 years ago, very few MBA programs accepted the GRE as part of their admissions requirements. 5 years ago, a growing number of schools accepted the GRE in theory, but it was still a clear minority of students who were in fact applying to MBA programs with a GRE score instead of a GMAT score. Today, almost all MBA programs accept the GRE, but only ~20% of students apply to MBA programs with a GRE score. That means 80% of applicants to business school are still taking the GMAT. The basic situation, as most students understand it, is that it seems as if business schools still prefer the GMAT, but clearly are also comfortable accepting the GRE. And many students feel they may perform better on the GRE and are thus considering focusing on that exam. And there is uncertainty. Do schools really prefer the GMAT? Is it really OK to apply with a GRE score? No one knows for sure. We recently wrote a guest post on the GRE vs. GMAT question for the AACSB, and this post will build on the information in that article to help you decide whether to consider the GRE instead of the GMAT. In this article, we’ll encourage you to ask yourself some questions and decide for yourself what you believe given the facts that are available. That should lead to the appropriate decision for you. After all, that’s how decisions are made in business. It is rarely possible to make a business decision through pure logic. You must gather facts, decide which facts are most relevant and grounded, evaluate those facts with some sort of framework, and then decide on the best course of action. But you ever know for sure what the right answer is, and often there is more than one right answer. We believe your decision about whether to take the GRE or the GMAT should be based on a logical exploration of your answers to the below questions: Are you confident you’ll be pursuing a graduate education in business, or are you considering other types of graduate programs? Assuming you are confident in your desire to earn an MBA, do you believe that MBA programs on average prefer one test over the other? Do you have a specific target school or post-MBA career that expresses a preference? Do you believe that you’d perform substantially better on the GRE relative to the GMAT (or vicer versa)? How much time do you have before you will apply? Are you confident you’ll be pursuing a graduate education in business, or are you considering other types of graduate programs? We can start with a basic question. Are you confident you plan on applying to graduate business programs vs. other types of graduate programs? The GMAT is designed specifically for business school admissions decisions, while the GRE is used for business school and dozens (maybe hundreds) of other types of graduate programs, from archaeology to psychology to education to nursing. Even law schools are increasingly accepting the GRE. So, if you are 50/50 between business school and some other type of graduate program, you should clearly more strongly consider the GRE. Assuming you are confident in your desire to earn an MBA, do you believe that MBA programs on average prefer the GMAT over the GRE (or vice versa)? Do MBA programs prefer the GMAT over the GRE? This is really the key question, and there are differences of opinion, even amongst MBA admission experts. This article from Poets and Quants suggests most MBA programs don’t care which you take. It argues that almost all schools accept either test, and you should just take whichever test puts you in the best light. And in this US News article on the GMAT vs. the GRE , which contains facts gathered in a 2016 survey conducted by Kaplan, you learn that 73% of MBA programs surveyed said that GRE and GMAT test-takers were treated equally. There is no bias one way or the other. But in the same article, one reads that only 2% of schools express a clear preference for the GRE, while a sizeable 26% stated that GMAT takers were preferred and at an advantage relative to their GRE-taking counterparts. And, if you search around the admissions portions of top MBA web-sites, you’ll find facts like this; at Harvard Business School, 85% of students applied with the GMAT. Though the GRE clearly has achieved basic acceptance, my conclusion is that there remains a general preference for the GMAT. Senior Instructor and MBA Advisor Sergey Kouk from our GMAT course partner in Chicago, Admit Master, agrees, “We offer GRE prep and are happy to help students prepare for the GRE. But the GMAT is the only exam specifically designed for business school. Taking the GMAT indicates to the schools to which you are applying that you are serious about pursuing an MBA, and with 85-90% of applicants to top MBA programs still applying with the GMAT, we believe your put yourself at a disadvantage by not taking the GMAT.” Do you have a specific target school or post-MBA career that expresses a preference? The Kaplan facts mentioned above make it clear that some schools do prefer the GMAT over the GRE. You should research your target MBA programs, and if there is a preference, you should take that preference into serious and strong consideration. Indeed, our Director of Online GMAT Instruction, Stefan, notes that “The most important variable regarding the GRE vs GMAT question lies not with the student, but with the target program. When considering the GRE, always reach out to target programs to find out what score is desired. If the school doesn't provide a target GRE score, be sure to convert their target GMAT score with the official GRE converter tool and be aware that the required score for the GRE can be higher because it isn't necessarily the preferred exam.” Here is a link to the GRE to GMAT convertor tool that Stefan references - There is one other issue to consider. It has been documented that some management consulting firms and investment banks (some, not all), do like to look at your GMAT score during the recruiting process. They view the GMAT as a “pure” test of critical thinking and analytical capability as measured under a time constrained, stressful environment. If you are interested in one or both careers, you have another reason to lean towards the GMAT. Do you believe you’d perform substantially better on one vs. the other? All else equal, you want to apply to business school with a standardized test score that puts you in the best relative light. If the schools you are applying to truly do not have a preference, your 85th percentile GRE score is clearly more desirable than your 70th percentile GMAT score. That is clearly true. So, which exam are you likely to excel on, relatively speaking? Consider these factors: The GMAT is generally considered to have the more difficult quantitative section, but not because it is testing more difficult or fundamentally different mathematics concepts. Both tests cover concepts experienced in the 10th or 11th grade in U.S. high schools. The GMAT is generally considered more difficult for two reasons. First, it covers a few concepts in more detail than the GRE (basic probability) or that the GRE doesn’t cover (e.g., number theory). Second, while the GRE is essentially a test of “pure math” skills, the GMAT asks you to apply math concepts in unique ways to test your logical reasoning skills (i.e., by quickly eliminating incorrect answers and using mental math to make estimates). With the GMAT, memorizing math concepts is often required but not sufficient, and trying to work out the specific answer to a question using a math formula (a fine approach on the GRE) could end up negatively impacting your score by causing you to spend far more time on the problem that is necessary or than which the designers of the test intended. Also, the GRE allows the use of a calculator while the GMAT does not. The GMAT also tends to be considered a less straightforward exam. The GRE may feel more like the math and English exams you took in school. The GMAT, with its unique data sufficiency and integrated reasoning sections, demands that you familiarize yourself with its unique question types and sections to perform well. The GRE relies much more heavily on vocabulary than the GMAT. People who read a lot or studied reading intensive subjects like Literature or History sometimes perform better on the verbal sections of the GRE relative to the GMAT. They are more likely to know the meaning of an obscure word or may be better at using context clues to figure out what words must mean. The GMAT relies more heavily on knowledge of grammar rules in its sentence correction section. Learning grammar rules in preparation for an exam tends to be easier than building up your vocabulary and intuition around word usage and meaning. How much time do you have before you need to apply? You can save valuable time by hypothesizing about whether you are likely to perform better on the GRE vs. the GMAT by looking at the major points of differentiation between the two exams above. However, if you have a lot of time before you’d be applying to MBA programs, and you don’t find the prospect of preparing for and taking both exams too exhausting or expensive (considering the direct and indirect costs of applying), you should consider just taking both exams. Although, as noted above, the exams have clear differences, preparing for the GMAT does build the same types of mathematics, reading comprehension, critical thinking, and logic skills that will serve you well on the GRE. So, taking another month to prepare specifically for the GRE, for example, and then taking an official GRE is an option to consider. At that point, you’ll know, for sure, whether your GMAT or your GRE score puts you in the best possible light. Summary If your target MBA program doesn’t state a clear preference for the GRE (only about 2% of MBA programs are likely to state such a preference), it’s safe to assume a slight bias towards the GMAT might be present, putting you at a slight disadvantage if you apply with a GRE score. To overcome this slight disadvantage, you need to believe your relative performance on the GRE will be substantially better than your relative performance on the GMAT.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Two Routes - Private Tutoring

Two Routes BobbiM Mar 25, 2014 Ever heard two roads diverged in a yellow wood?  We have too.  Well schooling is like that, life in general is.  You have two choices when it comes to attitude. Its perhaps sad but true-there will be courses you dont like, a professor with whom you fail to connect. Even if you have a wide range of interests and you can get along well with almost everyone, at some point youll have to make it through and rough class. You can take one of two routes when this happens. Route A: you can think of every excuse imagine able not to do the work or go to class. You can blame your attitude on the professor or the boring material that you are expected to learn. Consequences of route A: a poor course grade, feeling bad about yourself, and having to work doubly hard in another course to bring up your overall grade point average. Route B: acknowledge that you really dont care much for the course or the professor. Its one course, however, and you can make it through. Study with someone who seems to like the course. Try to motivate yourself with small rewards. Tell yourself that this is temporary and the course will soon be over. Consequences of route B: perhaps you will not earn an A in the class but you will emerge with your ego and your grade point average intact. Excerpt from College Success Strategies by Sherrie L. Nist and Jodi Patrick Holschuh.

From A to Z Everything You Need to Know About Earning a Foreign Language Degree

From A to Z Everything You Need to Know About Earning a Foreign Language Degree From A to Z: Everything You Need to Know About Earning a Foreign Language Degree No one ever said college would be easy.You have to pick a major.You have to choose your elective classes.You have to decide the best way to fund your seven daily Starbucks runs.College is full of tough decisions, but theres one decision that isnt hard: determining if studying a foreign language is worthwhile.Thats because learning a foreign language is one of the most exciting and rewarding things anyone could hope to do in college. Aside from there being tons of benefits to being bilingual, knowing a second language can actually help you land a dream job after you graduate.And whether youre going to one of the  best American universities to learn a foreign language, taking classes at your local college or learning online in your PJs,  there are plenty of options out there to earn a degree in a foreign language.So if youre thinking of embarking on the journey of a lifetime by studying a foreign language in college, heres what you need to know. From A to Z: Everything You Need to Kn ow About Earning a Foreign Language DegreeWhat Can You Do with a Degree in a Foreign Language?When you study a foreign language, there are plenty of directions you could take your skills in the future because there are some great jobs for language majors  out there. However, here are a few fields where language skills are particularly useful:International BusinessWith a global economy, a firm mastery of any language can be useful in the business world.Given Chinas size and spending power, learning Chinese is particularly helpful for international business. However, which language is most useful often varies by industry.For instance, if youre considering going into the automotive industry, Japanese and/or German are valuable. Want to work with major oil distributors? Arabic, Russian and Spanish will come in handy due to the locations of major oil fields.Non-profitsInternational non-profits also employ people who have studied languages in college. After all, they need people who can s peak the local language wherever they may work.If youre looking to work for an international non-profit, you cant go wrong studying the official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian) because theyre often used in international settings.However, if you already know what sort of non-profit work you hope to do, you might consider customizing your language education to better meet your goals. For instance, if your career goal is to save the Amazon Rainforest, Portuguese (and lots of bug spray) will serve you well.EducationA foreign language degree can also open doors to a career in education. Whether youre teaching your native tongue to eager students or helping students learn your target language, having studied a foreign language will come in handy in the education field.MedicineEveryone needs healthcare, but sadly, some people feel limited when receiving healthcare due to the language barrier. Learning virtually any language could pay off in the medical field, especially if you live in a diverse community. However, in the United States, Spanish is exceptionally useful.LawA language degree can be a great jumping off point for your law career. Within the legal field, there are plenty of instances when foreign language skills would come in handy.For instance, anyone studying business law or international law may need language skills for negotiating mergers or deals. Similarly, immigration lawyers can connect much better with their clients if they speak the same language.Translation/InterpretationGraduates with language degrees might consider pursuing work in translation and/or interpretation. Translation is converting written text from one language to another, while interpretation focuses on spoken words.Translation/interpretation positions can be found across industries, including medicine, government, education and more.Anything!Yes, thats right! A foreign language degree can benefit you in pretty much any field y ou could possibly imagine. Foreign language degrees combine well with any other skills/majors you may pair them with.One good way to pick the right pairing is to pick a field, then logically consider what language could benefit you in that field.For instance, if youre looking to go into journalism, you might consider also majoring in a language common in the region you hope to cover, such as Arabic.Planning on studying biology or zoology? If you have a particular interest in the field, consider studying the language used in the associated region. For instance, if you want to study Siberian tigers, majoring in Russian along with biology/zoology can open up research opportunities abroad.Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Your Foreign Language Degree ProgramPut in extra effort outside of class.A foreign language program can certainly improve your language skills, but to reach full fluency, you may need to put in a little more time and effort. Putting in extra effort outside of clas s can build on what youve already learned and ensure youre on top of your language game.Learning with FluentU is a fun way to put in a little extra effort without feeling like youre studying. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. However, rather than just throwing you in with no support, FluentU transforms these videos into powerful learning tools. Each video provides annotated captions, giving you access to any words definition, example sentences and an associated image.When you feel like changing it up, FluentU also offers Quiz Mode, which combines videos, images and example sentences with interactive flashcards and activities.Plus, regardless of your current proficiency level, FluentU can meet your needs. You choose what you watch, how much you watch and how quickly you move through material. Meanwhile, FluentUs algorithm tracks your learning to present you with l evel-appropriate questions.And you can use FluentU however its most convenient for you, whether you use  FluentU online, download the iOS app or try out the Android app.Look into test-out options for lower-level courses.Did you study a language in high school? Did you learn a language independently over the summer? Did you grow up speaking a little of your target language with your favorite aunt? Regardless of how you came to acquire your language skills, be sure to look into whether your university has a test-out option.Test-out options can save you valuable time and money by allowing you to skip over beginning-level courses. You may even earn credits for the courses you skip, and at some schools, having more credits means you get to register for classes earlier.Plus, if youre looking to get a language degree, theres nothing more frustrating than having to sit through hours of material you already know well. Save yourself the trouble!Study abroadmaybe repeatedly.Not only is studyin g abroad a fun experience, but if youre earning a language degree, it can massively increase your skills. When you study abroad, the language experience can be much more immersive than sitting in a classroom back home. You go to class in your target language. You interact with locals in your target language. You watch TV in your target language. In short, studying abroad can propel you much closer to fluency.Studying abroad also gives you a great cultural experience that can round out your overall language education.And if you can study abroad more than once, you may want to do so. This is especially useful if your target language has regional variations that you can master. For instance, if youre studying Spanish, you might consider studying in Spain, Mexico and/or Latin America to round out your skill set.Pair your language major with an additional major for greater specialization.A language major alone is nice. A language major combined with another great major? Thats hard to bea t.If youre planning on getting a language degree, you may want to consider a double major. Your second major can provide greater specialization than your language degree alone. For instance, if youre interested in international business, a double major in business and your target language is a perfect pairing.Look into immersion options.While studying abroad is a terrific immersion option, language students may also want to pursue other immersion options especially if you dont have the time and/or money to dedicate to a semester overseas.Some universities, particularly larger schools with robust language programs, offer special housing for language students. You could find yourself sharing a room, floor or even building with other students studying your target language, giving you the perfect opportunity for extra conversation practice.If you want to get a leg up on your target language or even work on an additional language, summer immersion programs are also available. Many big un iversities offer summer immersion. These programs often yield quick results. Plus, if your school doesnt offer a language that you want to learn, you may even be able to complete an immersion program at another university and transfer your credits in. To find out whether this would work at your school, you can meet with a transfer adviser.7 Great Universities for Language LearningObviously, this list is not comprehensive. Countless universities around the world offer excellent language programs, so you may even be able to earn the language degree you want from the comfort of your home town. However, these seven schools have some particularly unique offerings that may appeal to language students.Oregon State UniversityIf you want to earn a foreign language degree online, there are few schools quite like Oregon State University.Thats because Oregon State University offers more options than the vast majority of other schools. You can major or minor in French, German or Spanish and comp lete your degree online.Not only that, Oregon State University offers plenty of other languages you can study online without degree options. You could also study American Sign Language, Chinese, Italian, Japanese and/or Korean through Oregon State University online.Would you rather get your language degree in person? Oregon State University also offers in-person language degree options in French, German and Spanish.The University of New OrleansThe University of New Orleans offers in-person bachelors degree majors, minors and concentrations in both French and Spanish. However, what really sets the University of New Orleans apart is that it offers a masters degree in Romance languages that you can complete entirely online!Once youve completed your undergraduate degree, this masters program allows you to study Romance languages (with a concentration in either French or Spanish) in more depth. Plus, if you prefer, you can also mix in some in-person courses.California University of Penns ylvaniaCalifornia University of Pennsylvania doesnt offer a huge array of learning options, but what it does offer is pretty unique. Through California University of Pennsylvania, you can earn a degree in Arabic entirely online!If youre interested in learning Arabic but cant find it at a local school or prefer online education, California University of Pennsylvania is a terrific option. Youre unlikely to find other schools that offer degrees in Arabic online.Not only that, courses are taught by native speakers. The main focus is Modern Standard Arabic, but you can also take courses to learn Egyptian and Levantine dialects to make yourself more versatile.If you prefer, you can also earn a certificate in Arabic or continue on to earn your  M.A. in Arabic.While California University of Pennsylvania doesnt offer degree programs in Spanish, you can earn a certificate in Spanish for Business or Spanish for Law Enforcement entirely online.Georgia TechIf youre looking to earn your degree on line through just one school, Georgia Tech isnt the best option on this list. However, if you want to take language courses online and potentially transfer the credits to earn your degree, Georgia Tech is a good choice.While Georgia Tech doesnt offer online degrees for foreign languages, it offers online courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.If you prefer an in-person option, Georgia Tech also offers degrees in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. A masters degree is also available in Spanish, and Georgia Tech plans to add additional masters-level language programs in the future.Fort Hays State UniversityWhether you want to study online or in-person, you can earn an undergraduate degree, minor or certificate in Spanish through Fort Hays State University.Fort Hays State University also offers some online Chinese courses that you may be able to transfer to your school.Middlebury CollegeWhether you want to study at Middlebury Colle ge full time or only in summer, it offers some terrific programs for language learners.If you enroll in Middlebury College as your main university, you can choose between plenty of language degree options, including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian and Spanish Portuguese. As an added bonus of going to Middlebury College, there are many language-specific houses, giving you the opportunity to live with other students studying your target language for a more complete immersion experience.Even if youre going to another school, though, you can still enjoy some of the language-learning options Middlebury College has to offer. The school offers a  summer immersion program  that aims to help students make massive strides in a short period of time. Regardless of what school youre attending, you may consider attending this program to help meet your language degree goals. After all, you might be able to leverage your summer immersion to earn cr edits at your home school or test out some courses. Summer immersion programs are available for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.University of Wisconsin MadisonLike Middlebury College, University of Wisconsin Madison offers both year-round education and terrific summer programs.And if youre wanting to learn a less common language, the University of Wisconsin Madison might be just the school youre looking for.During the regular term, the University of Wisconsin Madison offers majors in African languages and literature, Chinese, classical humanities, classics, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Scandinavian studies and Spanish. In addition, though,  the University of Wisconsin Madison offers tons of other language classes, including less commonly taught options, like Hmong, Khmer, Ojibwe, Quechua and more.Plus, the University of Wisconsin Madison offers residential opportunitie s to live with other language learners and immerse yourself in your target language. If youre not ready for full immersion, though, the school also offers language conversation tables to help you get a little extra practice.If youre not up for living in the dairy state for the duration of the school year, the University of Wisconsin Madison also offers summer language courses and institutes, which you may be able to take as a special student who isnt seeking a degree through the university. Summer language institutes cover Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Filipino, Gujarati, Hindi, Hmong, Indonesian, Kazakh, Khmer, Lao, Malayalam, Marathi, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Urdu, Uyghyur, Uzbek and Vietnamese. Individual courses cover American Sign Language, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian and Spanish.Go ahead and earn the foreign language degree of your dreams! With these tips, tricks and resources, you can navigate your way through a college foreign language degree program with ease.

Ask a Private Irvine English Tutor Writing Apps

Ask a Private Irvine English Tutor Writing Apps Ask a Nerd! Q:   I need to get my papers done faster? Is there an app for that? Brief: Yes! Try out Google Online Dictation Answer Students have so many options these days when it comes to study guides and materials. Although mobile apps are fabulous and can help out students on the go or those working in a group, students who are working at home from their laptop or desktop can benefit heavily from the multitude of free Google apps. One such is the online dictation feature. Many students struggle to find the words or content they are looking for,  and once they do it seems to leave their mind as quickly as it enters. This should come as no surprise given the amount of information students’ minds accumulate on a daily basis (READ: 5 Reasons Students Should Blog). There are many internet-based dictation programs that students can use, however students can easily download the Google online dictation program and have it directly on their laptop or desktop. Online dictation makes it very easy for students to write their papers without ever having to press a key. Google online dictation has two primary advantages: students can get their thoughts down on paper more quickly than they could ever type them and voice recognition dictation software can help students write a paper more quickly when they are in a time crush. In just a few seconds, students can easily save their thoughts and produce higher-quality work that lead to higher grades. Students who have papers assigned last minute or students who have waited until the last minute to write their papers can use online dictation in order to help them  finish their assignments before the clock strikes midnight. Many students report they experience writer’s block because they are intimidated by a bright white blank computer screen even though they can easily explain to a tutor or study group exactly what they want to say. The beauty of online dictation is that students can ‘write’ an entire essay without ever actually writing anything. The downside to Google online dictation is that some of the network commands are a work in progress. For example, when a student says the word “comma”, half the time they will get an actual comma and the other half the online dictation program will actually type in the word. It is also difficult for students to properly format prior to learning all of the commands and how, exactly, to say them so there will be some editing and typing required. However, even with multiple formatting issues, getting the content down is the most important thing for a student writer (READ: 5 Awesome SAT Apps). Its relatively easy for a private Irvine English tutor or classmate to give edit suggestions for comma placement and grammar structure as long as the writer has the relevant content on paper. If a tutor is not available, or in the event of a last-minute assignment, students can simply copy and paste their online dictation into Word or Pages to check for voice to text errors. Students who have downloaded the free online dictation Google app are advised to start practicing with it ASAP. Its a huge time-saver and a great way to put thoughts down on paper. It can also produce higher quality content and, possibly, better grades in the future. Good luck, student writers! Have a question for one of our nerds? Tweet it to us @TutorNerds. Give yourself the TutorNerds advantage by checking back often for the latest in our “Ask a Nerd” series. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about; our Orange County private tutors are full of right answers.

International School of Kuantan

International School of Kuantan International School of Kuantan Situated in Indera Mahkota,our new academic building and multi-purpose athletics/arts hall are the marvel of Kuantan and Pahang. Equipped with state-of-the-art science labs and the latest technology, our school is a true beauty. ISK provides the ideal environment for students to learn and grow. ISK utilizes an American curriculum, which is based upon standards and growth models created in the United States of America, which are used around the globe. The American system provides learning and content just as other internationally recognized systems, but with a stronger focus on providing students with opportunities to become leaders and excellent communicators through critical thinking and problem solving skills. ISK also closely monitors the growth of students skills and abilities by using internationally normed tests, such as the MAP and PSAT which monitor student learning. At the high school level, Advanced Placement courses coupled with SAT exam results, ensure that our graduates get into the universities of their choice. By graduating with an American High School Diploma, ISK students are able to bypass additional years of education, such as Form 6, foundation year, or A levels, altogether, and directly enter into the bachelor degree program of their choice. Classes are taught by highly qualified instructors, who are committed to international standards of excellence. ISK teachers are dedicated to the development of students as individuals, and they work to ensure that each and every student learns in an environment that is both nurturing and challenging. Students are able to explore their interests and curiosities by having exposure to the following: different cultures (we offer both French and Mandarin instruction), the arts (our music and art departments allow students to showcase their true talents and genius), and highly rigorous academic content (our Advanced Placement program offers university-level courses in the high school). Most importantly, The International School of Kuantan values the contributions that parents make in the education of their children. We believe that the role that family plays in development is key to the academic and personal growth and wellbeing of students. As a school, we strive to provide open communication and opportunities to work together in ensuring that students are best prepared to take on the rigors and challenges of life. Please come and experience the American Difference for yourself. This includes: individualized instruction based on data-driven levels of performance, greater opportunity for personal expression and growth, exposure to the arts and athletics. By graduating with an American high school diploma, ISK students are able to enter into the university program of their choice. Enrollment is year-round, and I would be more than happy to show you around our campus personally and tell you more about our school, the American Difference, and what ISK can do to help your family achieve their educational goals.